Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Senate votes to restore Medicaid dental benefits

By Jamey Dunn

The Illinois Senate voted today to restore dental care benefits that were eliminated under recent cuts to the state’s Medicaid program.

Lawmakers approved Medicaid changes in 2012 aimed at cutting up to $1.6 billion in growth from the program. However, those savings have yet to be fully realized, and the state faces a lawsuit from unions over the use of an out-of-state contractor to verify Medicaid eligibility.

One of the most controversial pieces of that legislation, dubbed the SMART Act, was the elimination of dental care for adults except for in emergencies. The change meant that adult Medicaid recipients cannot get a check up or a filling, and basically all the state will cover is pulling a tooth if it gets infected. Supporters of House Bill 1516, which would restore benefits to the same levels as before the 2012 changes, said the cut went too far. “In this particular instance, it is believed that we overacted. And as is the power of this legislative body when we make those egregious mistakes that impacted so negatively on so many of our constituents, I think it’s incumbent upon us to correct them,” said Chicago Democratic Sen. Donne Trotter, the sponsor of the bill. “Not to just stick with the first thought that this is the only way to skin that cat — to become solvent again. But also let’s do it in a human way. ... The elimination of the adult dental programs certainly was more than just skinning the cat. It was beheading the cat.”

But opponents said lawmakers acted responsibly when they voted to get an unsustainable program under control. “We stepped up and said we’re going to change the program, and yes, that means to some extent we had to take some benefits away,” said Mattoon Republican Sen. Dale Righter. He said that doing that was difficult but necessary because the state was unable to reimburse providers on time. “It’s the reality. We had to spend less money. That means you have to giver fewer things away. You had to reduce the size of the program and reduce the services that were being afforded. Now we come back and we say, 'Well, except for this, and except for this and except for this.'” He added, “We’re either going to control the Medicaid program, or we’re not going to control the Medicaid program.”

Chicago Democratic Sen. Heather Steans, who sponsored the SMART Act, said she wishes the cuts to dental care were never included in the bill. She said that they cost more in the long run because those who cannot get preventative care end up in the emergency room or needing an oral surgeon. “It clearly was a mistake,” she said today. “It may be a cut in the short term to our budget. Long term, it clearly rises costs.”

 Trotter said the Illinois Department of Health and Family Services, which administers Medicaid, has the money in its budget to cover the cost of reinstating the program, which would be about $17 million for the reminder of the current fiscal year. “They are not new dollars that we are coming up with since July 1. It’s dollars that are already in their budget.” HB 1516 gives the department the authority to shift funds to the program. “Can we actually afford not to do this?” Trotter asked. “By not restoring these benefits to the program, we are devastating and decimating the viability of the people that we are sent down here to help.” The measure also would have to be approved in the House to reach Gov. Pat Quinn’s desk.


  1. Maybe they should change the name of the SMART Act to the DUMB Act if they are going to amend the law.Hard to believe that anyone could not see the adverse consequence of hertlesly cutting dental benefits to the poor. They have money for CME and ADM but not for needy folks? Shame on them!

  2. Yeah...try to get a job when you have a mouth full of rotting teeth.

  3. Too bad HB 1516 really has nothing to do with dental benefits!!! it has to do with spousal compliance and the ability to keep receiving medical benefits!!!

  4. @ Anon The original bill was about spousal compliance, but Sen. Trotter added an amendment (Senate Amendment 2) which removed that language and put in the provision regarding dental benefits.

  5. I guess there is a bill to try to restore it? Where does this topic stand at this point? and when is there an upcoming date for decision making?

  6. From what I have read, this bill has passed both the Senate and the House, and if so, when do the changes take effect?

  7. Its at a standstill. From what I heard there aren't enough co-sponsor's to approve the bill. This is ridiculous. They clearly made a mistake by taking these benefits from people. Why they aren't correcting this ASAP is beyond me. RESTORE THE DENTAL BENEFITS! You take away minor things like fillings, that prevent decay and extractions! Do these people have no common sense? Do they not realize how important oral health is? Get on this and restore these benefits.

  8. For the JERK that said get a job. We'll I have 2 I have my bs in accounting for 8 yrs. I work at h & r block, and water company. I make around 50000 a yr off one job and the other 15000, I'm a single mom. Neither employer offers any insurance. My girls are in cheer leading, jazz, tumbling and school clubs. My oldest I just bought a car for. I had a root canal done on 1 tooth it was $2600.00 and my kids go to our attention pediatric dentist and just. For. Teething clean and xray its 183.00 my daughter brasses is 5000. SO think about other people before you speak. I have a good job and have no insurance I work hard. Like a lot of other people. Just because you have no insurance does not mean you have no job.. Dumb ass.
