Friday, September 06, 2013

Quinn names new chief of staff

Ryan Croke will be Gov. Pat Quinn’s new chief of staff.

Croke has served as Quinn’s deputy chief of staff since 2009. In that position, he focused on modernizing government, economic growth and public safety. Prior to that job, he served as a policy adviser to Quinn on matters including technology, education and economic development. In that role, he led a broadband initiative that deployed more than 3,000 miles of fiber optic cable throughout the state.

Ryan Croke
Croke will replace Jack Lavin, who has held the position since 2010. According to Quinn’s office, Lavin is “departing for the private sector.” Lavin, who has spent more than a decade in state government, worked under Quinn when he was state treasurer. “I thank Jack Lavin for his many years of public service and his hard work to restore fiscal stability, integrity and economic prosperity to Illinois,” Quinn said in a written statement. “I’ve known Jack since I was state treasurer, and I will always consider him a friend. He has done an excellent job building a brighter future for all the citizens of this state.”

Jack Lavin
Croke, 30, is from Wheeling. He has a master’s degree in communications from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He lives in Springfield with his wife, Brook. “Ryan Croke knows Illinois like the back of his hand and has played a critical role in my administration since the day I took office,” Quinn said in a written statement. “Ryan is a strong leader with the right vision and energy to manage the operations of state government and get things done for the people of Illinois.”

1 comment:

  1. Ryan was my RA in college. He took care of us then, and I am glad to see he still is!
