Thursday, October 14, 2010

Senate to vote on pension borrowing in early November

By Jamey Dunn

Leaders in the Illinois Senate plan to return to Springfield a few days after the election to consider $4 billion in borrowing to make the state's required pension payment for the current fiscal year.

The Senate plans to hold session on November 4 to address the borrowing plan, which passed by a narrow margin in the House after contentious debate last May.

John Patterson, a spokesperson for Senate President John Cullerton, confirmed the announcement that Gov. Pat Quinn made about the vote last July. He said Quinn asked Senate leaders during the summer to take up the issue as soon as possible. He added that the November 4 date was the earliest Senate members could accommodate the governor's request.

Steve Brown, spokesperson for House Speaker Michael Madigan, said the House will be sticking to it's planned veto session schedule, which has them returning on November 16.

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