Friday, March 05, 2010

Brady accepts Republican nomination

By Jamey Dunn

Sen. Bill Brady from Bloomington accepted the Republican nomination for governor today.

Sen. Kirk Dillard, a Hinsdale Republican, conceded and endorsed Brady earlier today. “It was a hard-fought race, and it was close ...,” Dillard said in a news release. “But it is now clear to me that my friend and colleague Bill Brady has won the Illinois Republican primary for governor.”

The final totals certified today by the State Board of Elections showed Brady with a 193-vote victory. He received 20.6 percent of the GOP votes for governor, compared with 20.4 percent for Dillard.

Brady said he plans to make job creation a priority of his campaign. “You know you’re going to get tired of hearing me talk about what I’m going to talk about in this campaign because for me this campaign is about two things: jobs, jobs, jobs; and reform, reform, reform,” Brady said in the acceptance speech he delivered in Chicago.

Gov. Pat Quinn's campaign is already criticizing Brady's voting record in the Illinois Senate.
From the Quinn for Illinois reaction statement to Brady's nomination:
In his legislative career, Senator Bill Brady has voted against the Family Medical Leave Act, equal pay for men and women, and raising the minimum wage. He has also proposed repealing anti-discrimination laws, would ban all abortions -- even for victims of rape and incest -- and even voted against a bill funding mammograms and pap tests. … He may represent the extreme fringe of the right-wing, but he certainly does not represent the people of Illinois.

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