Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hynes concedes

By Jamey Dunn

Comptroller Dan Hynes conceded the Democratic nomination for governor to Gov. Pat Quinn this morning.

“Well, the people have spoken. And the votes have been counted. … We rose up but fell just a little short,” Hynes said at a news conference in Chicago. He said he called Quinn this morning to congratulate him.

An emotional Hynes pledged his support to Gov. Pat Quinn. He said after ethics scandals and financial turmoil, the state needs unity and should “choose peace.”

In reference to a competitive primary that produced attack ads on both sides, Hynes said: “It’s true that we had a few disagreements in this campaign. But that’s what happens in a spirited discussion about our future”

Hynes choked up while thanking his friends and family. He called on Illinois officials to work together and give Illinois a government “that just does the simple things that make our lives better.”

Quinn had already claimed victory in the primary. A call to his campaign was not immediately returned. UPDATE Quinn echoed Hynes' call for party unity at a news conference in Chicago this morning.

“The primary is over. Primaries are always difficult for everyone…but when it’s all over it’s like a family. We put aside differences.”

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