Thursday, February 19, 2009

Republicans want a special election

By Hilary Russell, with Jamey Dunn contributing
Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno and House Minority Leader Tom Cross and other Republican legislators said they are disappointed with House Democrats’ delayed response to the latest chapter in the case of U.S. Sen. Roland Burris. During a Statehouse news conference today, GOP members of both chambers argued that a special election was the only way to immediately begin restoring the state’s reputation.

“Returning that, to use the phrase, bleeping golden Senate seat back to the people is the only real way, the only real solution to the state’s embarrassing problem,” said Sen. Matt Murphy, a Palatine Republican.

He’s sponsoring SB 285, which calls for vacant U.S. Senate seats to be filled by special election rather than gubernatorial appointment. A special primary election would be held April 7, and a special general election would be held May 26.

Meanwhile, Rep. Bill Black, a Danville Republican, introduced two resolutions today designed to make House Democrats go on record about how to handle Burris. HR 92 calls for Burris’ resignation, and HR 93 urges the U.S. Senate to investigate him. Democrats did not let either measure get called for debate.

1 comment:

  1. The latest distraction from the clueless dinosaurs at the Illinois GOP. We don't have leaders, we have one-trick ponies.

    Tom Cross gets caught red-handed on Wednesday threatening the Dems to convince them not to go foward with reporting evidence of state corruption to law enforcement.

    In the face of yet more corrupt behavior by Tom Cross, the IL GOP tries to distract attention by kicking up their attacks on the black man.

    Good thinking Illinois GOP.

    Are you guys insane, or just hopelessly incompetent and corrupt?
