Friday, December 08, 2006

Universal health care?

A plan to mandate health insurance for all Illinois residents, and, yes, that means a mandate on businesses to offer health benefits to employees, is sure to catch attention in the upcoming legislative session. Today’s stories (here and here) talk about a plan the state’s Adequate Health Care Task Force came up with to address a growing problem — the cost of caring for the uninsured.

You can read more details (scroll to the bottom on the page) in documents prepared for the task force’s December 7 meeting, but to gain even more context, check Illinois Issues’ June feature, “Alternative medicine.” Massachusetts enacted a similar law this summer, but that plan might not be very easy to translate to Illinois’ political and business climate. The 95th General Assembly would have to find a balance between businesses, hospitals, insurance industries and private citizens, not to mention public aid dollars.

Watch Illinois Issues for more anlysis in the next few months.

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