Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Governor in Springfield

Gov. Rod Blagojevich met with two Democratic leaders in the Statehouse today to discuss the delayed budget. House Speaker Michael Madigan emerged from closed doors with a smile, but nothing to share with reporters. Senate President Emil Jones came out to say they would meet again Thursday, as there are some “major items the leaders have to resolve.” He said two of the governor's education proposals are still on the table, but they may be modified. As proposed, the Democratic governor wants to offer families a $1,000 college tuition tax credit for freshmen and sophomores who earn good grades. He also wants to offer universal preschool for all 3- and 4-year-olds in the state.

Jones would not say what other major items needed to be resolved.

In short, details are slim, the budget isn't done, and the House calendar has officially added session days from now until Wednesday, April 12.

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